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2016 November 05 (Adam)

I’ve been keeping the database updated with new GPs as they’ve occured, and with each update I’ve managed to get one or two more old ones into the system. Today’s update includes the just-finished GP Dallas (congratulations to Kevin Mackie and Skred!) as well as the next Pro Tour back in time, Born of the Gods. (That means it’s time for another pop quiz: who won PTBNG?)

This last month has seen the rise and fall of Shota Yasooka — he hit a peak of 2263 by winning the PT, then spent a hundred points going 2-4 in Malaysia. At the moment no one is above the “LSV line”.

We’ve gotten a number of good feature requests from the community in the last couple of weeks. I don’t think we’ll have time to add much to the site itself until winter break, but I look forward to implementing some of them. Until then I’ll continue trying to bolster the database. We have six more GPs left to reach the beginning of 2014 and seventeen to go to reach the previous Pro Tour. Sounds like a lot, but we’re now well over a hundred tournaments in, so seventeen more doesn’t sound that daunting any more.