Welcome to Elo 2.0! See the most recent blog post to learn more.
I know something that can correct an error in the data.
Where did the data come from?
What if I don't want my name on this site?
Which tournaments are in the system?
Which tournaments aren't in the system right now?
What other events are in the pipeline to be added?
How do the ratings work, in three sentences?
How do the ratings work, in multiple technical paragraphs?
My rating is [xxxx]. Is that good? How does that stack up?
Is a 2-0 win worth more than a 2-1 win?
Do draws affect the ratings?
I conceded in [match] to my buddy. Can that match be removed?
Do people with byes in an event get an advantage?
My friends and I made day two of a team GP once. Will that be added?
How stable are the ratings given that there are problems in the data set?
Why is one rating in the match history outlined in green?
I thought Magic and Elo didn't mix.
Do you have plans for separate limited and constructed ratings?
What did you do about egregious cheaters?
What are the weirdest things you saw while compiling the data?
Who are you and why did you do this?