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2017 January 30 (Rebecca)

Who among your friends has the highest rating? The highest peak? What’s the average rating of your playtest group? Did you know that every member of Team Puzzle Quest has at some point in our dataset had the highest rating on the team, and also at some point had the lowest rating on the team? I have to confess, I’m kind of obsessed with playing around with the custom team page that we’ve just added to the site. Up to twelve players can be added to your team, and bookmarking the url lets you keep track of the progress and combined stats of a group of players all on one page. We would love any suggestions for improving this feature: are there stats you want to see that we left out? Is the limit of twelve too small? (That number was chosen somewhat arbitrarily, but we found that the graph looks pretty bad as you get up toward a dozen players.) Please let us know! This whole feature came about because we got an email a couple of months ago asking about a ‘multisearch’ and we thought it was a great idea. I love getting feature requests like that, so if you have any ideas, please do be in touch.

A couple of quick notes and tips: hovering the mouse on the peak score of any player in the table will display the event and round of that peak as alt-text. If the graph is too muddied to read well, unchecking the boxes next to the player names along the bottom will toggle their graphs. The win percentages are computed as wins/results; in other words draws, intentional or otherwise, don’t factor in.

Of course on the theme of teams, we’re also excited for the beginning of the Pro Tour Team Series. On the pro teams page you can view all thirty-two teams, sorted by average, median, best rating, or worst rating. Clicking on a team name drops down the list of members and a link to the custom team page for that team, where you can view the graph and aggregate statistics. We’ve also added a team button to the individual page of any member of a pro team, linking to the other members and the team page. Musashi narrowly comes out on top of Channelfireball – Ice in both average and median, a fact which seemed to impress one of its members:

(My rough translation: “[Musashi] leads not only in median but also in average, huh? It’s expected that the two aces would be really strong; but for everyone on [Ice] to be over 2000 is incredible.“) Of course, we can’t be held responsible for any discord that might be sown among teammates by the statistics we provide…

Meanwhile in the arguably more important race, I believe that Almost Finnished edges out Conflagreece for most groan-worthy team name (although it’s close!); and I have to give a shout-out to team Lingering Souls, which I think is my overall favorite name. ^_^