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2017 July 21 (Adam)

2008 and 2009 were integrated into the site yesterday. This update added 48 tournaments and around 140,000 matches. The site is big: 363 tournaments and almost 1.7 million matches in total now. The curating process is getting faster, though I expect that the scraping process will compensate by getting more difficult. So far I’ve been able to recover every round except for GP Costa Rica 2012, round 2. I bet in the next two years we’ll come across a GP whose data is bad enough that we’ll have to let a few rounds go.

Just in time for PT Kyoto 2017 I’ve added the previous time the Tour has stopped in Kansai. So it’s time for a pop quiz: Who won PT Kyoto 2009?

I knew going into the project that there are people in different parts of the world that have the same name, but I didn’t appreciate the problem of two people being in the same part of the world, ten years apart, with the same name. That is, until I had to try to reconcile results from 2008 with results from 2017. I’m doing my best, but stuff slips through the cracks. Your help in correcting the data is always dearly appreciated.