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2018 October 06 (Adam)

Besides tournament results, there’s another area of the Magicsphere which possesses a vast well of data that can be mined and analyzed: decklists. About a year ago I put together a database of decklists from Pro Tour and World Championship single-elimination rounds, and I’ve made tweets and Sporcle quizzes about some of the interesting tidbits I’ve found in them. I also like to play mythic bingo where I track how many different mythics have appeared in the 5-0 Magic Online standard league deck dumps.

I’ve been playing a pretty rogue modern deck lately (WR Death and Taxes) and I’ve been looking for a tool that makes it easy to see things like “has card X ever appeared with card Y” or “has anyone ever tried Z in the sideboard”, etc. While I have been able to answer my questions on other sites, the number of extra clicks and/or simultaneous open tabs has gotten to me. So I made a crude tool for myself, and I think it might be useful enough to other people that I’m sharing it with you here. Behold the modern 5-0 decklist sandbox. (There’s now also one for legacy and standard.) The page will display information about how to use it when it is first loaded.

This lets me answer questions that otherwise would have been out of reach, like “how many cards have appeared in every single deck dump?” or “which Eldrazi have made it into a 5-0 list?” or “who has had the most decklists published?” etc. There’s a lot of fun questions you can answer with the sandbox, besides the original purpose of hunting for decks that have specific cards in it. (If you give it a list of cards and a list with those cards has been published a link will appear.)

Since I made these sandboxes primarily for personal use there are probably some design decisions that are a little idiosyncratic. But if you have any suggestions or feature requests, let me know and I can see if I can add them in. Enjoy!