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2020 June 30 (Adam)

After the crowdsourced effort to collect the data from the missing 1998 PTs (we got NY to about 50% complete, but not much further, sadly), I decided to try to plug the missing holes in our knowledge of the decklists in the single-elimination round of PTs and Worlds. Our knowledge basically tracks with what was published in old issues of the Duelist/Sideboard, which is everything except the players who lost in the quarters of Dallas 96 and Worlds 97. I use this data for stats tweets and Sporcle quizzes, so I’m already in the habit of keeping it up to date. While the individual lists are floating around in a variety of places, I didn’t know of a single spot to see everything, so I made one. If you ever want it, the data is in a .csv file stored at the GitHub repository https://github.com/ajlvi/pt-decks-csv.