Welcome to Elo 2.0! See the most recent blog post to learn more.

This table displays every streak of results without an unintentional draw of 300 matches or more. Many events use something like "Draw 0-0-3", "Draw D-D", or "Draw 0-0" to indicate an ID, though Melee also uses Draw 0-0-3 to indicate double no-shows sometimes. Any suspicious draws where both players benefitted by cashing or making top 8 were counted as intentional. Matches in top 8s are excluded since there's no risk of a draw in those; for the same reason Arena events don't extend streaks. If you think something in the table or in your history is incorrect, please get in touch! We acknowledge some guesswork went into this.

By default this table takes our entire database into account. There are holes in the data—GP and PT data get spotty at the 1999/2000 border, and there's five missing SCG weekends in late 2012 and early 2013. So it's possible that some streaks should be slightly longer, or were actually snapped, because of results in these missing events. For continuity with Elo 1.0, you can switch to a legacy version which only includes results from GPs, PTs, worlds, regional championships, and MagicCon Opens, and which only goes back to GP Philadelphia 2000, the first GP after the last hole in the data.

[use all data|use only GP+PTs] [show all 300+ streaks| show all active 250+ streaks]
