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2017 December 10 (Adam)

Last week I added two more years to the site, getting us back to Worlds 2003. I’ve already scraped back to Worlds 2001 — all 60 tournaments exist, though there’s a round missing in one of them. At this point there are 153 tournaments left not on the site. Probably about 100 of them can be acquired, and in the next update I’ll get a majority of them done. In absolute terms, there are 490 tournaments on the site out of 643 total, for 76.21%. In terms of matches, there are about 1.997 million matches on the site and I think there are about 225,000 matches missing, meaning we’re close to 90% on that scale.

With this update we also reconfigured the architecture of the database. We’re a little closer now to how it probably “should” have been done from the beginning, but we were young and foolish at the start and have learned a lot from working on the site! As an end user you should experience benefits from this restructuring in a few different areas:

  • Some pages, especially the leaderboard, should load faster.
  • The downtime needed to add new tournaments will be shorter.
  • We have integrated the format of each match into the site, so in the coming weeks we’ll be able to upgrade the leaderboard of by-format win percentage to allow for individual lookup.
  • We integrated a toggle into the site that keeps track of who is an “active player”. Right now we’re not acting on this, but we’re thinking about how to adjust the rankings to only account for people that have played in the last, say, five years.