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2019 March 31 (Rebecca)

As I type this, the Mythic Invitational is winding down, with two MPL members and one challenger currently left standing. During the first two days, the record of challengers against MPL members was 23-27, for a win percentage of 46%. How does this compare to how these challengers have done against the MPL in real formats non-duo-standard formats in the past? Perhaps surprisingly (or perhaps not!) it’s actually below expectations---the lifetime record of challengers against MPL members in tournaments that we have records of is 198-211, or 48.4%. (Only three of the challengers came in with lifetime winning records against the MPL; can you guess which ones?) But okay, maybe those numbers are a bit skewed…if you remove any challengers who happen to be hall of famers, the percentage goes down to 35.5%.

These stats and more can all be found on our snazzy new MPL Head-to-Head Grid. (Click the link at the bottom to add in all the Invitational challengers.) Even more exciting (and the part that was fun to code) is that you can add yourself (or your friends, or your enemies) to the grid to see how you’ve stacked up against the officially Most Elite players. (Personally I am undefeated!) I’m excited about this feature not only because it’s fun to see exactly how many times my friends have gotten their butts kicked by awesome players, but also because this gives me lots of ideas for expanding this sort of grid to be even more customizable. Want to make a head-to-head grid for your own playgroup? For the entire Hall of Fame? For everyone you can think of named Luis? Well stay tuned, as sometime in the moderately near future we will introduce a similar grid that you can populate yourself. And as always, if you have any other ideas for new features, don’t hesitate to let us know!