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2017 April 28 (Adam)

We’ve upgraded some of the pages at the left. The leaders page has been expanded and is more sortable than before. You can arrange the table by rating as usual, or now by record or winning percentage by tournament type. It also expands to the top 150; this change needed to happen at some point because the people near the top are all very close to each other, so it was pretty capricious who happened to appear when we only had a top thirty. It felt like an overload to see the whole top 150 by default on mobile though, so we kept the shorter option too. At the moment, 65 PT wins will get you 150th place. I wonder how far up that number will go once we’re done adding tournaments to the beginning of the data set.

To make room for this, we’ve moved the histogram/percentiles table to a new stats hub. There are a couple of other widgets there, linking to pages that document some of the ancillary things we’ve blogged or tweeted about. You can find the table of unintentional draw streaks there, for instance. The plan is to add more of these as we go along. I want to add a Weeks at #1 page that lists who’s been the highest-rated player and for how many weeks, for instance. If you have other suggestions for stats we can track, we’d love to hear them!