Welcome to Elo 2.0! See the most recent blog post to learn more.
2018 March 04 (Adam)

I’ve been good at updating the site but not so good at recording my updates here. Since the last blog post, here’s what’s happened:

  • Almost all available old data is on the site. There’s a few things missing, mainly GP Kansas City 1999, which I need a block of several hours to work on. But practically everything that’s ever been on the internet is now on the site. See a new FAQ item to see the timeline of early events. Roughly fifty tournaments from 1996-1999 are missing; I believe most of them had no internet presence even at the time. That means 92.5% of Magic history is here in terms of events, and probably closer to 98% in terms of total matches. (Unfortunately the 2% that’s missing includes some relevant information for correctly rating some early stars like Steven O’Mahoney-Schwartz, Jon Finkel, Randy Buehler, etc.)
  • We added a player search to the win percentage by format page to complement the leaderboards there. (This was one of the most requested features, so I’m glad we got it done!)
  • Tables for top 8 likelihood by record now exist for Grand Prix. These are updated after every tournament.
  • I’ve also posted to Twitter a couple of stats projects, like this sheet of cumulative records in knockout rounds. It’s been added to the stats hub. Because it includes team data it’s pretty unlikely that it will get incorporated into the site, but I’ll try to update it once a month or so.

More soon, of course! We’ve cleared off a few of the highest things on our queue but the list of things we’d like to do is still pretty long.