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This table shows the percentage of players with a given record that have gone on to make the top 8. Data is drawn from all "medium" fifteen-round GPs from August 2003 to March 2020. Here "medium" means 1025-1536 players. There are 150 such events. Players with byes aren't included until they appear, so a player with two byes who wins their first match in round 3 will count for the "3-0" box but not the "1-0" or "2-0". As such the "1-0" box tallies only people who played in and won round 1. Mouseover or tap the table to show the data underlying that cell.

Here are links to the corresponding tables for small, medium, large, and massive GPs.

at conclusion of round...
x-0 x-0-1 x-1 x-1-1 x-2 x-1-2 x-2-1 x-3
15 100 3/3 100 2/2 100 8/8 100 124/124 98 468/478 99.6 237/238 63 314/497 0.39 9/2312
14 100 7/7 100 14/14 100 111/111 95 266/281 57 672/1186 50 17/34 20 84/426 0.13 5/3988
13 100 26/26 100 25/25 88 367/415 58 89/154 28 624/2192 24 13/54 7.3 46/626 0.05 3/5934
12 91 62/68 71 25/35 58 452/778 32 83/256 14 533/3694 13 10/75 3.0 26/880 0.01 1/8319
11 74 104/141 60 36/60 38 535/1412 16 67/428 6.9 423/6146 6.6 8/121 1.6 19/1180 0 0/10716
10 58 173/299 43 42/98 22 580/2578 8.3 61/736 3.2 319/9872 4.3 7/161 0.85 12/1417 0 0/11763
9 43 268/621 26 43/165 12 576/4637 4.5 55/1217 1.6 244/15506 1.4 4/285 0.20 5/2450 0 0/20220
8 28 348/1259 16 50/316 7.0 577/8219 1.8 34/1839 0.79 184/23332 0.27 1/374 0.06 2/3385 0 0/28206
7 18 451/2568 8.0 45/566 3.8 542/14151 0.91 25/2756 0.40 132/33091 0 0/543 0.02 1/4381 0 0/33549
6 11 588/5202 4.4 45/1028 2.0 467/23577 0.36 14/3921 0.19 84/43783 0 0/720 0.02 1/5092 0 0/36201
5 6.8 716/10596 2.4 42/1767 1.0 388/37403 0.10 5/5169 0.09 48/52268 0 0/877 0 0/5232 0 0/33246
4 4.0 854/21620 0.92 26/2833 0.55 301/54752 0.07 4/6071 0.03 15/53705 0 0/755 0 0/4308 0 0/24277
3 1.8 635/35718 0.33 13/3962 0.22 149/68379 0.02 1/5722 0.01 5/44390 0 0/424 0 0/2433 0 0/11634
2 0.57 237/41391 0.08 4/4869 0.10 68/67576 0 0/4049 0 0/26071
1 0.23 127/56379 0 0/4626 0.03 19/56358